In Memoriam

Please send obituaries for those who served in or supported U.S. Army Dentistry to:

The Association of Army Dentistry

Association of Army Dentistry
18203 Rim Drive 101 #1146
San Antonio, TX 78257​

Or send via email to:

Legacy of Heroes

"The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example."

– Benjamin Disraeli

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

(1868 and 1874-1880)

Did You Know?

During World War I there were 4,620 Dental Officers. Seven dental service soldiers earned the Distinguished Service Cross, and seven dental officers and seven enlisted dental assistants were killed in action.

Of the more than 18,000 dentists who served during World War II, 20 died in action. During the battle of Saipan, CPT Ben Salomon, an officer in the Dental Corps, killed 98 enemy combatants while defending his battalion aid station. Tragically, he died during the attack. His sacrifice was recognized in 2002 when he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.