Spouses and Red Cross Volunteers
While civilian spouses may reside in one location for years, the wives and husbands of the officers, non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel of the Army Dental Care Team are frequently called upon to relocate their families to new assignments across the country and around the world. They willingly leave their business relationships and jobs to move to a new community. Although remote work has improved job continuity for many spouses, it is not always an option.
Some spouses who are dental professionals may have an opportunity to work as civilian or contract employees in an Army dental clinic. Some posts offer the Red Cross Volunteer Dental Assistant Training Program, which is open to military spouses. Completing this program allows spouses to volunteer in Army dental clinics as trained dental assistants.
Career Development Opportunities
Education and Training
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) have partnered to assist military spouses in sustaining their careers or finding new jobs as they move from one assignment to another. Information is available on the DOL Blog and on the DOL Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) website.
The Military OneSource website provides information about DOD legislation that supports education and career development for military spouses.
Since 1900, the Federal government has tasked the Red Cross with providing services to members of the American armed forces and their families. Among those services is support for Army dental clinics in the United States, Europe and Asia. While some volunteers provide administrative support, others may become trained dental assistants or use their previously obtained dental hygiene degree to help improve access to care.
The Red Cross Dental Assistant Training Program has existed for many decades. This free, six-month program includes classroom and chair-side training, and the subsequent experience may become a steppingstone to a long-term career.
Career Transition Opportunities
Some Red Cross Volunteer Dental Assistants can transition the expertise gained by volunteering in a military dental clinic into a paid position in a military or civilian clinic. Many communities are experiencing a shortage of dental assistants; however, the requirements to work as a dental assistant vary by state. Additional certifications for radiology health and safety, infection control or expanded-function dental assistant can be beneficial in obtaining a job and/or higher pay. The Dental Assisting National Board is a resource for learning about certifications and state requirements.
AAD Mentoring
AAD members have the knowledge, expertise and desire to help mentor spouses, surviving spouses and Red Cross Volunteers.
If you have questions, please send your request, along with your name, email address and preferred phone number to: assoc.army.dentistry@gmail.com. We will contact a member who has offered to be a mentor and ask him or her to reach out to you.